I had a little trouble downloading the images so these are hacked-together Firework-ed screen captures, but they'll do for now. Photography purists, please look away. . . :)

The family -- Colvins (and Colvinsons) on the right, Carlsons on the left. In the past year I have gained two sisters. I have a very small family so this addition represents a 13% increase in family. Not bad huh? (If you count parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and cousin's spouses on BOTH sides of my family there's a whopping 17 of us -- and that's AFTER both weddings :)

The new Dr. & Mrs. Mark & Rachel Colvin

Getting ready to change their world forever

Happy happy

I had to include this one of Dave and Janie because it's so them. D & J are both crazy and they are some of my favourite people in the world. If you're going to road trip for 6 hours, road trip with these two. Trust me. They bring SpongeBob Squarepants and tell stories and sometimes let you help name the baby (did I mention that I'm going to be an Aunt in January?)

Happy parents. Dave got married last July, Mark got married this July so now Mom thinks I should get married next July so she gets the hat trick. I think maybe she just wants to be able to send all the anniversary cards at once :)

Mom and Janie and me

Rachel and Mark dacinging their first dance. . . awww. They picked "At Last" as a wedding song, a classic. Nice choice.

What set of holiday pics would be complete without a crazy self portrait? Janie and Jody both had husbands in the wedding party so we had a little time on our hands and Janie had a camera and well...
All in all it was a great wedding and I am very happy I was able to be there. I think I would have walked to Arizona to be there, but fortunately it didn't come to that. Congratulations you guys!
awwwww Mark looks so grown up! It must be the "Dr." in front of his name! Congratulations to them, and to you on your growing family!!
Wonderful post! You looked awesome all done up for the wedding! Dave and i are working on getting our photos up. Still planning on trying out the flicker thing!
Hey Claire, great looking family! And GREAT dress!! Were you thinking of that famous line "Have you SEEN this dress??!" ;)
We have a flickr account now, but i don't know what to do with it. I put all the Arizona pix on it, but i don't know how to share them with you. help!!!
great pictures claire! wow, you're going to be an auntie--
congratulations, now your family will grow some more :D
you look awesome in those pics too!
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