Snow-covered rooftops, snow-laced branches, dogs chasing flakes along with their tails -- the world in white is incredibly beautiful. I have been so focused on the traffic reports I've almost missed the show. And I wonder why it is to so hard to see beauty in the midst of fear, the good with the bad, the unexpected pleasures mixed in with a situation I would never have chosen. There have been other times, other seasons, when one aspect of my life has so completely eclipsed everything else it was as if the world consisted only of the source of my worry. And thinking now, it seems that there's never a time when I need to see the beauty more than when one thing has grabbed my attention so completely.
It reminds me of a quote I came across the other day in an article that was talking about commitment. "Commitment," the author wrote, "isn't showy. It's subtle and common." Several days later I'm still chewing on that, but it's such a great picture. Commitment is a thousand tiny gestures done so frequently that they are commonplace. I've been reminded of that in these cold, white days when I've needed some help and it has come through time and again. There's a startling beauty in that as well and I need to make sure I don't miss it.
1 comment:
I thought you might get a kick out of this: 2 proffessors clairified today that we cannot use wikipedia as a source on our papers. Why? Because anyone can edit it! I told dave this and he suggested i send them your post on the truth about that matter. What do you think! Anyway, pretty funny that they had to even mention that in class!
I am making cupcakes for Corrina's bday. We are working on ordering photos for everyone, so we should be sending your stuff in the mail soon, but not soon enough :( :)
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